Maritime and Fisheries Law

CFMR has recently expanded its practice into the area of Maritime and Fisheries Law, primarily in the corporate and commercial arenas.  We are counsel for numerous corporations and individuals in the marine business in Western Canada and the US, and provide advice and services to them in a wide range of commercial activities and transactions, including the purchase, chartering and sale of vessels, both domestically and internationally, the purchase, sale, lease and exchange of fishing licences and quota, joint venture and other commercial agreements, and the incorporation and reorganization of new or existing businesses.  In this regard, our maritime practice will be part of our business law service.

We also act for lenders in taking security over vessels and fishing assets, with a particular expertise in securitizing loans over fishing licences and quota.

We also provide consulting services to fisheries organizations, both provincial and federal, with respect to proposed changes to federal and provincial statutes, regulations and policy relating to fisheries law, ships registry law, and security over vessels and fishing assets.  We also act as general legal advisors to a number of societies with mandates relating to fisheries issues.

Services include:

  • Incorporation and reorganization of businesses with assets in the marine business
  • Drafting contracts for the purchase, sale, lease or exchange of vessels
  • Various types of fishing licence and quota transactions
  • Documenting trust relationships concerning the holding of fishing assets
  • Securitizing  marine loans and other related issues